Friday, December 11, 2009
Children's Book

My Monster Ball
Max & Kellen's Lesson

My Strach Art
Extension Activity- I think a fun thing to do is have the students draw their favorite memory of a sunny summer day, right when the get to school in the fall.
My Project:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Lexicon Collage
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Holly and Rachel's Lesson
Lesson- Pastel Landscapes
Goals- *to give the students an experience with blending one or more colors.
*To introduce students to blend colors in a landscape.
*To show students how to successfully shade an object.
1. Art Production-Students will construct a landscape with pastels and use different blending techniques.
2. Art History-Students will recognize the different forms of pastels and will be able to incorporate their patterns into their own work.
3. Cognitive-Students will demonstrate their knowledge of Pastels by creating their own pattern into a landscape and be able to blend colors.
My Thoughts- I dominnated this lesson! I am not the best artist as you can see by my project photo's but this one I felt really confident about and if I can do this this well I'm sure that the fourth graders will be having an outstanding time.
Extension Activity-I think a good extension activity to this project would be to have the students do would be something having to do with the ocean in science class, maybe have them draw what they think the ocean would look like and then the next day go through and actually show them what it does look like.
My Project- errorimage103254
Nicole and Ayssa's Lesson
Grade Level- K-2nd
Lesson Name- The Four Seasons Window
Elements of Design- Line Color Texture
Goals- *The instructors hope to introduce students to the different colors and the changes a tree goes through durning different seasons, by introducing them to those changes.
*The instructors will illustrate to students multiple kinds of media can be used in a sigle work of art.
*The instuctors will show students how they can mix primary and secondary colors to make alot of different colors.
1. Art Production- Students will learn how to use multiple media to make an art project
2. Cognitive and Functional- Students will be able to notice an annual change in trees that can be related to the changes in their own school years.
3. Psychomotor and Multisensory- Students will discuss how the changing happens from season to season.
My Thoughts- This project was set at just the right difficulty for this age group. I think that the students would be challenged both mentally and in using their motor skills. I also think they would be really proud of there results. I will be using this lesson in my classroom.
Extension Activity- I think a fun extension activity would be to use the same concept only paint the different bi-omes such as the tundra, rainforest, desert ect. That can be used in science class.
My project-

Breanne & Megan's Lesson
Grade Level- 3rd
Lesson Title- Creating Comic Strips
Goals- *To give the students an experience in mixing two of the secondary colors.
*To introduce students to a variety of comic strips with different meanings.
*To show students how to successfully shade an object.
1. Students will collect materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.
2. Students will compare and contrast different backgrounds, shapes, colors, expressions, and literary elements.
3. Students will illustrate how different expressive features of illustrations and organizational principles of comic strip frames cause different responses.
4. Students will interpret different responses to each comic strip.
My Thoughts- I really and trully loved this lesson, I can still remember Kellen and I giggling just like a couple of 3rd graders while we read our comics. I thought it was alot of fun and a different "fun" way to "trick" students into learning. When you make the students have fun that is when they learn at their best.
Extension Activity- I thought of a funny extension activity for this project. I thought that the students could do a comic about Mt. Rushmore and have the Presidents arguing about who was the best President. That lesson would be a good way for children to learn more about their Presidential history and they would be having fun at the same time.
My Project-
Amanda & Tiffany's Lesson
Grade Level- 5th
Lesson Title- Printmaking
Goals- *To introduce the students into the print making process.
*To allow students to experience the printmaking process.
*To integrate cultural traditions into the art making process.
1. Art Production- Design Holiday cards using the printmaking process
2. Affective- recal past holiday memories and what feelings associated with receiving a card.
3. Cognitive and Functional- Plan Composition or pre-plan composition.
My Thoughts- I don't know if I just wasn't feeling the magic that day or what, but i just wasn't feeling this project. I think it was ok and I do think the students would enjoy it but I just can't see myself using this in my classroom. I don't know why, maybe it was because I did my first picture upside down!? I can see how other students would like to use this lesson though. I do think Amanda and Tiffany did do a good job presenting, my opinion has nothing to do with them, I just didn't love this project.
My Project:

Amanda & Kristin's Lesson
Grade Level- Kindergarten
Lesson Name- Garden Stepping Stones
Goals- *To give the students an experience using ready-mix cement.
*To allow the students to create their own designs for their stepping stones.
*To give the students the opportunity to use a variety of media to creat the project
1. Students will collect material and tools needed in a safe and careful manner.
2. Students will predetermine what media they are going to use and then create their own original piece.
3. Students will understand ready quick cement and know how it works.
4. Students will identify and use several different media types.
My Thoughts- This project was AWESOME! I thought this was a great way to get students to use one of the most bizzare types of media out there, ready mix cement, what a great idea. This is also something that can be held onto and kept in tact for a long time, I could see mothers and fathers putting this up on display for their child's graduation. This was a great project.
Extension Activity- Coming up with an extension activity for this project was awefully hard, after a long time of thinking I finally figured out what I could do with this unique project. I thought that instead of decorating the ready mix cement with beads and pictures of the students, they could decorate their project with a picture of a former President of the United States, then they could talk a little bit about him like his name, when he was elected, that kind of thing. I think that would be a nice project to display.
My Project:
Katie Hanson's Lesson Plan
Grade Level- 4th
Theme- Native American Art
Lesson Name- Sandpaper Art
Goals- *To introduce students an alternative method of sandpainting like the Native Americans
*To give students better understanding of Native American art.
1. Art Production- Students will construct a sandpaper picture of Native American art and then use an iron to duplicate the picture.
2. Art History-Students will recognize the different forms of Native American art and will be able to incorporate their patterns into their own work.
3. Cognitive- Students will demonstrate their knowledge of Native American art by creating their own pattern on their sandpaper
My Thoughts- This project was very unique. I thought that it was fun but their were alot of worries involved such as making sure the students colored dark enough so that the iron would have the disired effect. Then of course don't forget about how careful they would have to be using the iron. I would suggest the teacher would be the only one to use the iron, or maybe a high school aid or something. I really do think this is a great lesson though, I'm sure some day I will even use it.
Extension Activity- I think a good activity to bring this project in on is when we are talking about the Native American's from the South Western part of the United States, this would go great with a pottery activity too, and making bead necklace's. I could probably find a week's worth of projects honoring the Native American traditions.
My Project:
Jordan & Tanners Lesson
Grade Level: 6-8
Lesson Title- Me, Myself, and My Initials
Elements of Design- Contrast Balence Variety
Goals- *To introduce students to design and pattern using collage
*Broaden students intrest in color
*How to create design using various geometric shapes, and colors to create design
1. Students will express their color preference as they choose their favorite color for design
2. Students will use geometric shapes to create a design by using patterns and variety.
3. Students will design and cut out their name or initials.
4. Students will learn about collages through art history.
5. Students will use variety when choosing their photographs.
My Thoughts: I thought this project was fun and a good way for students to use their motor skills to draw, trace, cut, and paste. I think that students would have alot of fun with this project because durning the 6th to 8th grade years students are becoming more and more independent, and their isn't a better way to show your veiws, thoughts, or ideas through collage.
Extension Activity- I thought a good extension activity would be to have the students do a collage of the civil war for American History class. I think that would be a great for students to use art in the history classroom.
My Project:

Monday, October 26, 2009
My Bug

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Larry Chatman
2. The big thing I would take from his presentation and put into my own work is his passion. Everyone in the room could tell that he was real passionate about all of his pictures and you could tell that he really cared for the people who’s lives where dramaticly changed. I want to be able to take that passion for children learning into my classroom everyday.
3. Guest artists are great for young children. It gives them an opportunity to learn from and experience a most of the time a pretty accomplished artist. It also gives them a chance to learn new aspects of art that maybe there own art teacher hasn’t taught them. I think that whenever students can go on field trips and learn outside of the classroom it is important because you can always “trick” them into learning. I say that because they will be having fun and when kids are having fun they don’t even realize that they are learning valuble lessons. By: Max Foth
Monday, October 5, 2009
Shape and Movement
My shape and movement project is very simple in its design. It is simple because I didn't want it to be lost in confusion about what my goal of the project would be. I used two different kinds of shapes when I created this piece- Original and Organic. The original shapes would obviously be the squares that are going across the bottom of the paper. I went from small shapes on the left to larger shapes on the right in an attempt to "move" the readers eyes across the page, then using the organic shapes above I did just the opposite and I started with the little shapes on the right and went to bigger shapes on the left to pull the readers eyes back across the page. I feel that with this simple set up it would help elementary education students to better understand the different kinds of shapes, and how movement works. This may not be the most stunning piece of art ever done but I feel it gets the job done when trying to show students the basics of movement and shape.
My Footprint

Description- The painting uses mostly calm colors, aside from the giant pink I and the bright orange dress. The human shapes seem to be very curvy and there isn't much use of any jagged line. The piece seems really smooth.
The Design- It seems like with the use of the cool colors the piece starts out very happy on the left side of the painting. The white dress really emphasizes that. Then once you look across the painting it kind of gives a feeling of a timeline and what happens durning life and how chaotic it can be. Then finally at the far right side of the painting it gets really somber and sad with the black dress empahsizing that.
The Meaning- I think that this painting signifies that the begining and end of life with everything inbetween.
Judgement- This painting shows two completely contrasting views of the begining and the end of life. It seems like it is saying life is some sort of dance, it may go on for awhile but sooner or later the song will end.