Grade Level- 4th
Lesson- Pastel Landscapes
Goals- *to give the students an experience with blending one or more colors.
*To introduce students to blend colors in a landscape.
*To show students how to successfully shade an object.
1. Art Production-Students will construct a landscape with pastels and use different blending techniques.
2. Art History-Students will recognize the different forms of pastels and will be able to incorporate their patterns into their own work.
3. Cognitive-Students will demonstrate their knowledge of Pastels by creating their own pattern into a landscape and be able to blend colors.
My Thoughts- I dominnated this lesson! I am not the best artist as you can see by my project photo's but this one I felt really confident about and if I can do this this well I'm sure that the fourth graders will be having an outstanding time.
Extension Activity-I think a good extension activity to this project would be to have the students do would be something having to do with the ocean in science class, maybe have them draw what they think the ocean would look like and then the next day go through and actually show them what it does look like.
My Project-